What do I get by enrolling?

  • Unrestricted access to our high quality course

  • Hands-on high quality HD video lessons

  • Lifetime 24/7 access to the course and all future updates

  • On-demand 1on1 tutoring for just $50 per hour

  • Go at your own pace

  • Easy to follow examples

  • No previous experience required

What will I learn?

Get lifetime access to the course and future updates

    1. Level Overview

    2. Amplitude, Frequency and Phase

    3. Wave Shapes

    4. Complex Wave Shapes

    5. Spectral Response

    1. Level Overview

    2. Samplers

    3. Using Sampled Instruments

    4. Creating Sampled Instruments

    5. Practical Example

    1. Level Overview

    2. Intro to Synthesizers

    3. Oscillators

    4. Types of Synthesis

    5. Complex Synthesizers

    6. Practical Example

    1. Level Overview

    2. Filtering Sound

    3. Routing

    4. Practical Example

    1. Level Overview

    2. Modulators

    3. Envelopes

    4. LFOs

    5. What to modulate

    6. Practical Example

    1. Level Overview

    2. Velocity

    3. Mod Wheel

    4. Pitch Wheel

    5. Practical Example


Enroll Now >

  • Free
  • 42 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content
  • Lifetime 24/7 Access

What you'll need

No need to spend thousands of dollars in equipment and software

  • A Mac or PC computer with a web browser and broadband Internet access

  • Any DAW like Ableton, Logic, Protools, SoundBridge, etc.

  • A MIDI controller keyboard and/or padboard (optional)